
Mapping the conceptual structure of environmental management: a co-word analysis


This paper contributes to a better understanding of the research on environmental management using bibliometric methods to supplement the subjective evaluation of literature reviews. Focusing on the Management and Business fields, our main objective is to analyse the knowledge structure of environmental management literature and the evolution of related topics. We apply the co-word analysis method to identify different topics treated by the field across the studied periods, and to create networks and sub-networks. The results show the main topics and their evolution. We identify and explain six topics: green/environmental, resource-based-view, management, performance, corporate social responsibility and quality management. Development in this line of research shows progress in this discipline that commences with the green or environmental dimension and its effects on results and continues with issues that are more focused on quality management and corporate social responsibility. This study can be used as a reference for future research and help to increase company awareness of the importance of environmental issues in the design and implementation of strategies.

Keyword : environmental management, environmental strategy, green environment, corporate social responsibility, co-word analysis, bibliometric analysis

How to Cite
Nájera-Sánchez, J.-J., Mora-Valentín, E.-M., Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, M., & Moura-Díez, P. (2019). Mapping the conceptual structure of environmental management: a co-word analysis. Business: Theory and Practice, 20, 69-80.
Published in Issue
Feb 12, 2019
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