
Municipal waste management in Romania in the context of the EU. A stakeholders’ perspective

    Carmen Nastase   Affiliation
    ; Carmen Emilia Chașovschi   Affiliation
    ; Mihaela State   Affiliation
    ; Adrian-Liviu Scutariu   Affiliation


The European waste policy is focused on reducing the negative impact of waste, eliminating the unhealthy use of resources, and on better waste management. The aim of this paper is to analyse Romania’s waste management practices in the EU context. The research methodology is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The descriptive data analysis reveals significant differences among EU countries in terms of the municipal waste generated and the recycling rate. The municipal waste generated registers decrease, whereas there are significant increases in terms of the recycling rates in the EU countries. The qualitative research is based on the analysis of structured interviews among stakeholders, relevant for the waste management in Romania. The information obtained based on interviews was processed using NVivo and the main findings are focused on recommendations for improving the waste management system. We have identified a lack of adequate public support in the waste field due to insufficient awareness programs, lack of operator’s obligation for separate waste sanitation, people's discouragement to separate their household waste, and lack of bins to separate collection. The correction of identified weaknesses could lead to an improved waste management system, feasible only through an active involvement of stakeholders.

First published online 28 May 2019

Keyword : community-based initiative, sustainable economy, municipal waste management, recycle, household consumption, policy recommendations, stakeholders’ perception

How to Cite
Nastase, C., Chașovschi, C. E., State, M., & Scutariu, A.-L. (2019). Municipal waste management in Romania in the context of the EU. A stakeholders’ perspective. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(5), 850-876.
Published in Issue
May 28, 2019
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