A cost-sensitive logistic regression credit scoring model based on multi-objective optimization approach
Credit scoring is an important process for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending companies as it determines whether loan applicants are likely to default. The aim of most credit scoring models is to minimize the classification error rate, which implies that all classification errors bear the same cost; however, in reality, there is a significant cost-sensitive problem in credit scoring methods. Therefore, in this paper, a new cost-sensitive logistic regression credit scoring model based on a multi-objective optimization approach is proposed that has two objectives in the cost-sensitive logistic regression process. The cost-sensitive logistic regression parameters are solved using a multiple objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. In the empirical analysis, the proposed model was applied to the credit scoring of a Chinese famous P2P company, from which it was found that compared with other common credit scoring models, the proposed model was able to effectively reduce type II error rates and total classification error costs, and improve the AUC, the F1 values (reconciliation average of Recall and Precision), and the G-means. The proposed model was compared with other multi-objective optimization algorithms to further demonstrate that MOPSO is the best approach for cost-sensitive logistic regression credit scoring models.
First published online 27 November 2019
Keyword : credit scoring, cost-sensitive, logistic regression, multi-objective optimization, P2P

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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