
On which socioeconomic groups do reverse mortgages have the greatest impact? Evidence from Spain

    Eva Boj Affiliation
    ; M. Mercè Claramunt Affiliation
    ; Xavier Varea Affiliation


Reverse mortgage is one of the products (perhaps the main one) that is good to obtain additional income by using the habitual residence as collateral. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the effects that reverse mortgage contracting has on household finances over the lifetime of a family according to the socioeconomic group to which it belongs in Spain. Four indicators are employed to measure the immediate and long-term effects. We use a stochastic model with a double source of randomness, survival and entry into dependency, and apply it to the three socioeconomic groups obtained with cluster methodology from the 2017 Spanish Household Financial Survey data. We conclude that the effects are very different depending on the group: regarding only the effects of hiring a reverse mortgage on the income of the family, widowed women aged between 81 and 85 years, with low income and expenses as well as little net wealth, and a habitual residence that represents half of her net wealth (Cluster 1) are the most benefited; considering that the highest impact indicators are on the probability of illiquidity and on the value of lack of liquidity, the use of reverse mortgages benefits more the families in Cluster 3 (high income and expenses and really high net wealth, head of household aged between 76 and 80 years) and less the families in Cluster 2 (medium income, net wealth and expenses, head of household aged between 65 and 75 years).

First published online 17 April 2024

Keyword : long-term care, reverse mortgage, clustering, Markov process, simulation, Spanish Survey of Household Finances

How to Cite
Boj, E., Claramunt, M. M., & Varea, X. (2024). On which socioeconomic groups do reverse mortgages have the greatest impact? Evidence from Spain. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(4), 1146–1164.
Published in Issue
Jun 5, 2024
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