
Urban rail transit passenger service quality evaluation based on the KANO–Entropy–TOPSIS model: the China case

    Wencheng Huang Affiliation
    ; Yue Zhang Affiliation
    ; Yifei Xu Affiliation
    ; Rui Zhang Affiliation
    ; Minhao Xu Affiliation
    ; Yang Wang Affiliation


In order to evaluate the URTPSQ (Urban Rail Transit Passenger Service Quality) comprehensively, find the shortage of URTPSQ, find out the difference between the actual service situation and the passenger’s expectation and demand,and provide passengers with better travel services, a passenger-oriented KANO–Entropy–TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method is proposed and applied in this paper. Firstly, a KANO model is applied to select the service quality indicators from the 24 URTPSQ evaluation sub-indicators, according to the selection results, the KANO service quality indicators of URTPSQ are constructed. Then the sensitivity of the KANO service quality indicators based on the KANO model are calculated and ranked, the PS (Passenger Satisfaction) of each KANO service quality indicator by using the Entropy–TOPSIS method is calculated and ranked. Based on the difference between the sensitivity degree rank and the satisfaction degree rank of each KANO service quality indicator, determine the service quality KANO indicators of the URTPSQ that need to be improved significantly. A case study is conducted by taking the Chengdu subway system in China as a background. The results show that the Chengdu subway operation enterprises should pay attention to the must-be demand first, then the one-dimensional demand, finally the attractive demand. The three indicators, including transfer on the same floor in the station, service quality of staffs of urban rail transit enterprises,and cleanness in the station and passenger coach, need to be improved urgently. For the managers and operators of urban rail transit system, the passengers’ must-be demand should be satisfied first if the KANO model is applied to evaluate the service. The indicators with highest sensitivity degree and lowest TOPSIS value should be improved based on the KANO–Entropy–TOPSIS model.

First published online 14 December 2021

Keyword : urban rail transit, passenger service quality, KANO–Entropy–TOPSIS, sensitivity degree, satisfaction degree, passenger-oriented

How to Cite
Huang, W., Zhang, Y., Xu, Y., Zhang, R., Xu, M., & Wang, Y. (2022). Urban rail transit passenger service quality evaluation based on the KANO–Entropy–TOPSIS model: the China case. Transport, 37(2), 98–109.
Published in Issue
Jun 7, 2022
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