
An approach to solve motorail transportation loading layout optimization problem: the China case

    Wencheng Huang Affiliation
    ; Bin Shuai Affiliation


In this paper, we formulate a cost and safety oriented approach to optimize the motorail transport car loading layout optimization problem. The model has 2 objective functions, one maximizes the wagon loading weight utilization rate, and another minimizes the gravitational center height after loading the cars on the wagons. The calculation results show that: the heaviest cars should be loaded in the middle of the decks, the cars weight loaded on both sides should be gradually reduced; the total weight of cars loaded on lower deck should be larger than the total weight of cars loaded on the upper deck.

Keyword : motorail transportation, railway, loading layout optimization problem, loading weight utilization ratio, gravitational center height, cost and safety oriented

How to Cite
Huang, W., & Shuai, B. (2022). An approach to solve motorail transportation loading layout optimization problem: the China case. Transport, 37(4), 232–240.
Published in Issue
Oct 3, 2022
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