
A multi-agent-based approach for the impacts analysis of passenger flow on platforms in metro stations considering train operations

    Shaokuan Chen Affiliation
    ; Yanan Zhang Affiliation
    ; Yue Di Affiliation
    ; Fang Li Affiliation
    ; Wenzheng Jia Affiliation


Impacts analysis of train operation on passenger flow in metro stations is an important and fundamental requirement to improve the operational efficiency and ensure passengers a high level of service. This study aims at large metro stations where thousands of passengers are moving, boarding or alighting and the complicated interactions among passengers and between passengers and other entities like stairways or trains take place all the time. A multi-agent-based approach is developed from the investigation of movement characteristics of passengers to meet the above requirement and deal with such interactions. The simulation scenarios considering the various conditions of train operations are performed in the case studies of a metro station in Beijing (China) to prove the feasibility of the proposed approach, which is useful to formulate and evaluate the operation schemes of trains.

Keyword : metro station, passenger flow, train operation, multi-agent-based approach

How to Cite
Chen, S., Zhang, Y., Di, Y., Li, F., & Jia, W. (2018). A multi-agent-based approach for the impacts analysis of passenger flow on platforms in metro stations considering train operations. Transport, 33(3), 821-834.
Published in Issue
Oct 2, 2018
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